Archive: a fews tips for n00b..

a fews tips for n00b..
Hello there..

i have just started using NSIS and am still busy reading the manual..

i was wondering i could ask for some advice or tips from the experienced users..

i have a zip file below is the structure:

folder ---> anotherfile.exe
---> yetanotherfile.exe

what i would like to do is create an installer that will extract the zip file (does not have to be a zip, can be any archive!) to a predefined folder, (c:\myfolder) and run the file.exe command with a /switch.

is this possible and if so how difficult would it be to do?

any help or advice would be very much appreciate.



This should do the trick. You can use this as is, or put this into a MUI (Modern User Interface (like Wise or Install Shield)) installer. Hope this helps.

OutFile Example.exe

Section ""
SetOutPath "C:\myfolder"
File /r "C:\stuff\*" ;this is the folder on your computer that has the file stucture you listed above
Exec "C:\myfolder\file.exe /switch"

Try this for unzipping zips.



thanks for the reply.. will give it a bash