Archive: inhibit ESC key in inetload

inhibit ESC key in inetload
I've noticed that while downloading file using inetload plugin the ESC key is not deactivated and by pressing it the download ends with error.
Forum search was unsuccessfull; tried use /NOUNLOAD with same result.
Q.: how to disable the esc key that breaks the download in progress ?

This is default Windows dialog behaviour, Esc key works like a Cancel button, Alt-F4 or X button on the window frame. User can stop 100 MB download using Esc without Tasks Manager in the Banner mode (no Cancel button). NSIS installer handles Esc in the same manner - you can test this on your installer's Welcome page.
A.: no way to lock Esc in the curent InetLoad version. No problem to add a code locking Esc using WM_SYSCOMMAND and SC_CLOSE, but I am not sure this is really need. But you can add this functionality to your private build - source code is available. You can also check a resulting string - this case plug-in pushes to stack "Cancelled".

I noticed when doing multiple download paths, while one
is downloading if you press the enter key it skips to the
next download. You can skip through every download by
tapping the enter button real fast. How would you disable

Actually I am not quite sure what it does when hitting
the enter key besides messing everything up.


MichaelFlya - I'll test this in Monday, thanks.

need solution
thanks Takhir: understand /nounload is not appliable here and even banner close is default Windows behaviour.
nevertheless i need to find a solution otherwise i can't use inetload. your plugin is helping me in sw deployment project in my company but not i've realized this limitation (not in inetload itself of course) i have to solve to go on using this type of solution. Any help really appreciated.

better explain...
takhir let me better explain my need.
i want to use inetload in a sw deploy project i'm building.
Basic code and logic already set and under testing with some key users in my company. Now i realize (my fault not thinking in advance) that Windows behaviour. Understand inetload plugin is 'compliant' to this, but unfortunately knowing this is standard Win behaviour does not help me.

one option would be have the installer completely silent (so the user doesn't see there's something to close with ESC key...) but this is not appliable and even doesn't prevent user to press ESC.
As i'm not dealing with general internet download but with software application deploy inside the company i definitely can't allow users forcibly stop the updates just by pressing esc.


OK, attached is special "no cancel" build, 2 lines are commented in the code, as a result - X, Alt-F4 or Esc can not stop download.

it works fine
Takhir, this is exactly what i needed. Tested with /banner, /popup plus both with /proxy parms: absolutely great. really appreciate.

Question on versioning.
Now i have inetload.dll and inetload_nocanc.dll in plugin dir. I want be sure i'm on sync with latest version of inetload but file property doesn't show the internal version. So look at timestamps with dependency walker.
Timestamps are:
inetload -> 18/4/2005 12:07 sz: 16.896, crc: 0x00011BEB
inetload_nocanc-> 06/06/2005 13.08, sz: 16.896,crc:0x0000F875

May i assume the today build is actually the full funcioning latest one ?

again: thanks.

This build was created from latest InetLoad version
I commented IDCANCEL handling code only (2 lines).


better or not new parameter
wondering if would not be better to set the nocancel option in this special build as an additional parameter. something like /NOCANCEL. I don't know if i'm the only who needs it but this would simplify next updates of the plugin.

OK, may be in the next build. With /POST option (possible) bugs fix :)