Archive: Select componets from a file

Select componets from a file

I'm trying to select components based on the contents of a file.

We distribute all of our modules together, then the user installs those that they are licensed for. They only get the license keys for what they have purchased so I want to be able to select only the components listed in the license file.

Is this possible?


It depends on what kind of format the license file is. Could you give an example of the format and where we could find out which bits should be installed?

Here you'd have to parse the license file for the relevant data/details.


Thanks for the reply,

The file format is a simple text file, the layout is

I was trying to read the file, store each module name and key, then make the selections based on if they appear in the list.

But I haven't been able to figure out how....

If you put the entries in an INI file you can read this with NSIS (See docs) and programaticly create the to install list (Seach forum)


It's possible to read a file and seperate tabular data. It just requires some time writing the code!

Do you have MSN?
