Archive: installation

How can I copy some files to different directory. For example I want to copy some of my file to $INSTDIR and the rest to the system folder. I am new to NullSoft. Sorry if it s a basic ques.


If you want to copy file from "one_location" to "another_location" use CopyFiles instruction. If you want to install file (i.e. include file to insataller) use File instruction inside Section.

I want to check if certain files are present in system folder if no I want to install them there and if yes I don't want to install them. I have made an installer but how do I install certain files in Program Files/My_App and the rest in the system folder.

Example for filename.ext:

Section "SysFiles"
IfFileExists "$SYSDIR\filename.ext" +2 0 ; check if file present in sysfolder
File "filename.ext" ; install file in $INSTDIR if absent

Thanks alot. Btw I figured it out with a little search on the net.