Archive: Multiple Icons?

Multiple Icons?
i'd like to associte my installer with certain file-types, preferably using an other icon than my installer's. is it possible to add an Icon Group to a NSIS UI or will it lead to a compilation error? any other possibilities except using external icons? can i use the space reserved for the uninstaller icon?

I'm not sure that you mean. An installer can't be associated
to another file-type as it will always be an exe-file.

However you can add Icons or Icon-Groups simply with File and
refer to them externally e.g. from the registry.


i'm speaking of icon resources in an UI

You can add the icons using Resource Hacker command line options and !packhdr. I don't think it should create any problems with the main icon as long as the id is different.

the installer works after editing the icon file in it ?
i dont think so ...

but it is possible to link to other symbols (icons) in a link (lnk file) or the uninstaller section in windows or by connecting to specific file types "defaulticon", eg. @="myicon.dll,1"

Why wouldn't it work?

just for the record, it works using

!packhdr "$%TEMP%\exehead.tmp" "ResHacker.exe -addoverwrite myInstaller.exe, $%TEMP%\exehead.tmp, myIcon.ico, icongroup,104,1033"

for unknown reasons, the language is not set to 1033 for the resource.

When I click a WAV file, it opens WINAMP and WINAMP chooses the icon for the WAV file.

Originally posted by Mark Nascimento
When I click a WAV file, it opens WINAMP and WINAMP chooses the icon for the WAV file.

Originally posted by Yathosho
just for the record, it works using
!packhdr "$%TEMP%\exehead.tmp" "ResHacker.exe -addoverwrite myInstaller.exe, $%TEMP%\exehead.tmp, myIcon.ico, icongroup,104,1033"

for unknown reasons, the language is not set to 1033 for the resource.
this for some reason doesn't work anymore since 2.23 or 2.24, the compiler does not add any icons. also for my previously descibed problem, could it be i need to change the quoting to make it work properly?

omg dude - why such complicated...
use an icon packager - the rest is bullshit.

Use aicon for free and good - one of the best freeware
for symbols...

!define MUI_ICON "my_icon.ico"
!define MUI_UNICON "my_icon.ico"

reshacker is old and crappy for some reasons

brummelchen: i don't see how your posting is related at all!

anyway, i could solve it