Archive: Not all files being included/.extracted

Not all files being included/.extracted

In my script I use the "File" command 8 times and during compilation it indicates that it has included them and displays the compression values. When I run the program, although it says that they have been extracted only 6 actually get extracted. I can't figure out why this would be. Any ideas?


Yes, attach your script :p


I have a little more info, since I was testing more...
(BTW v2.06)

If one does the following:

;Download area for most up to date files
StrCpy $DOWNLOAD_URL "http://some_url/"

;Most up to date file at compilation
File "test.txt"

;Download the newest version if possible (i.e. net available)
StrCpy $DOWNLOAD_FILENAME "test.txt"
Pop $R0
StrCmp $R0 "success" +2 +1
Detail Print "Download of test.txt failed - using local copy."

When the network isn't available (which is likely for the intentions of this app) what happens is that the "download" directive seems to delete the file test.txt in the destination directory. So falling back to the "local" copy fails unless I do:

StrCmp $R0 "success" +3 +1
Detail Print "Download of test.txt failed - using local copy."
File "test.txt"

Which to me is just an UGLY hack.

Any suggestions on cleaner code?


Don't use variables for strings if they aren't going to change dynamically. This wastes memory very much!

!define DownloadURL "http://some_url/"
!define DownloadFile "test.txt"

NSISdl::download_quiet "${DownloadURL}${DownloadFile}" "$TEMP\${DownloadFile}"
Pop $R0
StrCmp $R0 "success" noDownloadFile

DetailPrint "Download of test.txt failed - using local copy."
SetOutPath $TEMP
File "test.txt"




I'm going to have to change quite a bit of my code (I only gave an example snippet). Nonetheless... I see where I have to go. Also thanks for the info on the variables/memory... but they will be changing through the script so...:up: