Archive: Source files - how to add multiple files/directories

Source files - how to add multiple files/directories
I usually use INNO setup...but after seeing this installer I might be changing...

The problem is this; if you have a lot of files and directories in your setup (for example: 2000)
how can you add them to your project all at once, without adding each file/directory manually, and taking a long time doing so?

There must be a simple way and much better, how can you do this...?

I also used to use Setup Factory 6.0 and I loved the way it
did this automatically for you, but the problem with that app is that the final installer is way too big...

Is there a way to do this in NSIS? If not, then you should try to incoporate this feature in the next version.

File /r *.*
will get all the files in the scripts directory and all sub directorys
look under file in the nsis manual

Need further explanation please
Ok lets say...I have alot of files/directories in the following source directory:


and I already have done the wizard for creating the first part of the setup, using HM NIS Edit wizard...and gave the wizard the main executable, then i go into the script itself ...what do I do then...

In your section code
you would do

File /r "C:\Projects\app\sourcefiles\" *.*