Archive: Multilingual dropdown list

Multilingual dropdown list
Guys, my app supports a bunch of languages and I'd like the installer to have a drop down list containing the following data. However, it seems that NSIS isn't unicode aware? Am I out of luck?

bg_BG ***1073;***1098;***1083;***1075;***1072;***1088;***1089;***1082;***1080;
ca_ES Català
cs_CZ ***268;eština
da_DK Dansk
de_DE Deutsch
en_US English
es_ES Español
eu Euskara
fi_FI Suomi
fr_FR Français
he_IL ***1506;***1489;***1512;***1497;***1514;
hu_HU Magyar
it_IT Italiano
nl_NL Nederlands
nn_NO Nynorsk
no_NO Norsk Bokmål
pl_PL Polski
pt_PT Português
ro_RO Româna
ru_RU ***1056;***1091;***1089;***1089;***1082;***1080;***1081;
sk_SK Slovenský
sl_SI Slovenš***269;ina
sv_SE Svenska
tr_TR Türkçe
wa_BE Walon

Since you have the source to NSIS you are not out of luck...
Serisously, if you want to support unicode on Win9x there is a MS Unicode on w9X support DLL that makes life a little easier. Before you attemt anything however not that you must understand what all the terms like LCID, MBCS etc mean.

Go to for good free documentation on the subjects.

Ho hummm. My frame of reference is a little different as I come from the unix world, but I'm familiar with the concept of locale IDs and character encodings, yes. It seems that UTF-8 would be one possible encoding of a MBCS character whilst a "Unicode" character is encoded in UCS-2.

Here's another good page with a Windows slant.

However, that doesn't really help me here because I don't understand where you're going with "if you want to support unicode on Win9x there is a MS Unicode on w9X support DLL that makes life a little easier".

I see that it is possible to have an entire interface written in unicode. Eg, googling on "NSIS LOCALE_NSIS_NAME hebrew" pulls up:

I also see tantilizing evidence that these bods have created a list of the languages they ship:

But so far I haven't seen the way to put these pieces together.
