Archive: Skip back multiple pages?

Skip back multiple pages?
I am currently using a function that I found on here to skip forward multiple pages. The problem is if you press back you can see the pages I skipped over. Ideally I would want the back button to skip back pages but if thats not possible i guess i will just have to hide the back button. Any advice? Thanks in advance.

Set a variable if some pages have been skipped, and in the Pre function for the page that you will go back to, call the same GoToNSISPage function but with a negative number.


I had two of those cases and that worked for one. But what about if it is a custom page how can I do a pre function?

Try using it in the creation function, before displaying the page.


I have created a example script which actually presents a menu with buttons which will lead you to different pages of the installer. It uses the trick of sending a 0x408 message to $HWNDPARENT (discussed here as GotoNSISPage).

Download here: NonObligatoricPages.7z

Hmmmm, I think that might work for me but I am still kinda confused. Heres what I am trying to do: I made a repair / remove page that will only pop up if it finds a previous installation. The remove feature is a radio button and if selected will close the installer and open up the uninstaller. If repair is selected I want it to go to another custom page I had which is one page before the install page. Like this: (Choose Directory) | (Custom Page) | (Install Page). So either I need to be able to go back to the first custom page or I am now thinking about just going right to the install page.

Did you check out my 7z archive?
Please read the inclued .nsi file and compile it. A pre-compiled version is included in the archive.

Use Abort in Pre page callbacks to skip them and use SendMessage $HWNDPARENT 0x408 2 0 to skip over a page.

Check this post:

hey that worked for me, thanks!