Archive: NSIS natively on redhat - Bus errors etc?

NSIS natively on redhat - Bus errors etc?
I'm running the fedora 2 native build of MakeNSIS v2.01 found here:

it works great! but when trying adding files to my installer larger than 5megs i get [BUS ERROR] and makensis crashes.. Anyone know if there's a way around this - was it standard in all v2.01 or is this OS specific? are there any newer native redhat builds around?

REALLY need to add ~10 meg files and it keeps crashing on me :(

Did you try to build it on your own computer. Don't just download pre-compiled binaries. Never a good idea for such experimental programs (on POSIX, yes!) like NSIS.

I've made a successfull build of NSIS v2.05 under Suse 9.2 v2.05 via and adjusted makefile.

Please upload and example script to the forum, I'll test it for you if it builds.

[bus error] more sound you try to save to and USB stick or Firewire extrnal HD and this has problems transferring files.

That page contains a build of a version prior to 2.01. This bug has been fixed in the release of 2.01. You should compile a newer version.

What a relief!

So I'm running scons as follows:
[root@localhost nsis-2.07-src]# scons SKIPSTUBS=all SKIPPLUGINS=all SKIPUTILS=all SKIPMISC=all

scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Using GNU tools configuration
Checking for memcpy requirement... (cached) yes
Checking for memset requirement... (cached) yes
Checking for main() in C library gdi32... (cached) no
Checking for main() in C library user32... (cached) no
Checking for main() in C library version... (cached) no
Checking for main() in C library pthread... (cached) no
Checking for main() in C library stdc++... (cached) no
Checking for main() in C library iconv... (cached) no
Checking for main() in C library libiconv... (cached) no
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
-O2 -Wall -DCOMPRESS_MF_BT -c -o build/release/makensis/7zip/7zGuids.o Source/7zip/7zGuids.cpp
cdable_vars off
cdspell off
checkhash off
checkwinsize off
cmdhist on
dotglob off
execfail off
expand_aliases off
extglob off
histreedit off
histappend off
histverify off
hostcomplete on
huponexit off
interactive_comments on
lithist off
login_shell off
mailwarn off
no_empty_cmd_completion off
nocaseglob off
nullglob off
progcomp on
promptvars on
restricted_shell off
shift_verbose off
sourcepath on
xpg_echo off
sh: -2: invalid option
Usage: sh [GNU long option] [option] ...
sh [GNU long option] [option] script-file ...
GNU long options:
Shell options:
-irsD or -c command or -O shopt_option (invocation only)
-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP or -o option
xpg_echo off
sh: -2: invalid option
scons: *** [build/release/makensis/7zip/7zGuids.o] Error 2
scons: building terminated because of errors.

Keep coming up with this error :( Seems to be some sort of shell problem - anyone know what might be causing this?

onad - any tips for how you managed to get it going on suse?

First of all, I did not use scons to build the makensis but a "Makefile". I'm not so scons minded yet ;)

Anyhow if you do want to build using Scons:

1) Make sure you have Scons BETA 0.96.90 not the standard one in your distribution.
#scons -v to check your version. Download it from and RPM package will install easilly.

2) make sure you have ALL the files from NSIS via CVS and the nightly build.

3) Make sure you first build the precompiled *stub headers* under Win32. Yes, different is possible , I just do not advise this.

4) If you use a FAT32 Partition to move files from Win32 to linux, make sure you switch on ALL UPPERCASE files possible.
Or, better copy the files to your linux partition in /home/nsis/ first.

5) make sure you #SU or #SUDO

6)From your shell prompt in the nsis folder run: #scons SKIPSTUBS=all SKIPPLUGINS=all SKIPUTILS=all SKIPMISC=all


Again I have to say that *nix is designed to be a build platform. Most if not all code should be built on your own computer. Binaries can be downloaded and installed only if they are build for the exact same Linux distro and version (kernel). And since the latest NSIS sources are so easy to build now with scons there is no excuse.

..easy to build ? Well build me please a working "makensis" for Mac OSX :)

Seriously, thank you for your good webpages, usefull to me already.