Archive: Native OSX makensis via Scons OK but...

Native OSX makensis via Scons OK but...
After applying all patches, upgrading my 10.4 Tiger Scons manualy etc. etc. hassle and patching NSIS

All compiles OK but still makensis crashes under OSX 10.4. Any has done this successfully?

That's because it's a big-endian system. Only little-endian systems are supported at this time. stated after applying NSIS sourcecode patches...

BIG_ENDIAN patches that is..,

but I'm sure not all NSIS code is patched on opendarwin ports :( and I'm not an expert in thise issues (yet...)

Those patches are hardly enough for makensis to really work on big-endian platforms. They are also meant for version 2.05.

Well I did patch v2.05 ;). But I was foolish to think a darwin OSX port would have been official and fully done, if I see your comment on 20050525 in the bugtracker I assume it's not :(

It nice to hear "Big endian" problem bla , code not good etc. etc. in the forum. For me, to help with improving NSIS, this is not helpfull, any hints of how and what to code improve or alter would be better.

If I could change one Big endian problem a day and there are e.g. 100 it still would be solved in 100 days, and who knows maybe I get better over time with these issues and solve two a day ;)

I only had my OSX a few days and could already compile "makensis" and had XCode 2.1 fully to my disposal.

I even used your favoured Scons ;)

After all we WILL make it happen if we set ourselfs to it.

The generated Win32 installers should always be in little-endian format. Because the native format of Mac OS X is big-endian, a conversion has to be made whenever a variable is used to read/write content to a Win32 file.

It is certainly possible by extending the patch to all of the NSIS code.

Out of curiosity, why are you trying to port to OSX ?
I am an OS X user too...but use Virtual PC for all things nsis. That way I can test on 98,2000, and XP which is crucial in my experience.
For myself, if I could use Xcode to simultaneously create a nsis compiled exe and an applescript app with several supplied variables, I would be really happy.
Currently, I build the applescript app and nsis exe separately. This kinda sucks for a 'production' environment where you are building a lot of these things with essentially the same code.

Well I want to be able to do a fully automated Win32 installer build on whatever webserver platfor Big or Little endian.

If the installer is build this way the data inside the install can always be dynamic and can contain the lates application version inclusive variables set by someone via e.g. a webform.

The person need then only to surf to a site, fill in his values or uploaded content and click "make me the installer now" and a few secons later download the generated installer.

Since Windows servers are for risk loving people I prefer a build on Solaris or FreeBSD on whatever processor.

So now i want to be able to use an Apple OSX based x-server to do the same.

Big endian platforms are supported since 2.16 and a few PPC OS X specific bugs were fixed in 2.17.

THANKS! for being active in BigEndian litteendian issue, I could not have hoped for this :) I've now restored my Powerpc MAX OSX 10.4 and have upgrage my scons to x.91 and I can try again..