Archive: Help plz InstallOptions/ComponentPages

Help plz InstallOptions/ComponentPages
Hi please help me
excuse me for my poor english i m french

my probleme is :
I d like to call different installoptions according to the different choosen components

I dont find the good tip for...
cause I can display the installoptions page but I cant push the button "Next"

I know how to use installoptions with this syntax "page custom <function's name>"

but I dont want that

I d would like to display differnt ini with the different components choosen


You need to jump over the !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_DISPLAY.

!include Sections.nsh

Page Custom CustomPageA

Section "A section" Sec01

Function CustomPageA
!insertmacro SectionFlagIsSet ${Sec01} ${SF_SELECTED} ShowPage SkipPage

!insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "blah" "blah"
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_DISPLAY "file.ini"



thanx it works perfectly

Originally posted by Afrow UK
You need to jump over the !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_DISPLAY.

!include Sections.nsh

Page Custom CustomPageA

Section "A section" Sec01

Function CustomPageA
!insertmacro SectionFlagIsSet ${Sec01} ${SF_SELECTED} ShowPage SkipPage

!insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "blah" "blah"
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_DISPLAY "file.ini"


I would like to know what is ${SF_SELECTED}
can i make this for GroupSection thanx

Yes you can. It's one of the !defines in Include\Sections.nsh. Same as Sections,
SectionGroup "A group" SecGroup01


Originally posted by Afrow UK
Yes you can. It's one of the !defines in Include\Sections.nsh. Same as Sections,
SectionGroup "A group" SecGroup01

the first page custom works but the second no :-(


Function "Set_1"

!insertmacro SectionFlagIsSet ${Sec01} ${SF_SELECTED} ShowPage SkipPage


InstallOptions::dialog "$TEMP\Install_Ivalua_Buyer\ini\msde_$lg.ini"



Function "Set_2"

!insertmacro SectionFlagIsSet ${SecGroup01} ${SF_SELECTED} ShowPage2 SkipPage2


InstallOptions::dialog "$TEMP\Install_Ivalua_Buyer\ini\set_$lg.ini" #affichage de la page web.config



Make sure you place the SectionGroup and Section's before these functions (further up in the script).


thx a lot I thought the order dont change anything thats why i dont try it :)

If one of sections in sectiongroup is unselected - sectiongroup unselected too.

Originally posted by glory_man
If one of sections in sectiongroup is unselected - sectiongroup unselected too.
sure :)

Absolutely. There are three sectiongroup selected states.
1. Selected
2. Partially selected
3. Unselected
First bit in sectiongroup flags represents whether the section is currently enabled (selected). So this is set only in first case. In 2 and 3 state this bit is 0.

Originally posted by glory_man
Absolutely. There are three sectiongroup selected states.
1. Selected
2. Partially selected
3. Unselected
First bit in sectiongroup flags represents whether the section is currently enabled (selected). This is first case. In 2 and 3 state this bit is 0.
I understand