Archive: ReadRegStr/ReadRegDWORD using variables

ReadRegStr/ReadRegDWORD using variables
I've been working on a NSIS script and have ran into a rather large wall. The problem I have is that my script will not compile because of the following line:

ReadRegStr $4 "$5" "$6" "$7"

I have the quotes to make sure that any spaces contained in those variables will not cause problems.

When I do a DetailPrint of this line, I get the following results:

ReadRegStr REG_SZ "HKLM" "SOFTWARE\NSIS" "C:\Program Files\NSIS"

The reason REG_SZ is assigned to $4 is to get it to this point as a temporary variable.

When I take the output of the detailprint, then put it in my code (after replacing REG_SZ to $4) then the script will compile just fine.

Is there any way to make the ReadRegStr and/or ReadRegDWORD command accept searches based entirely off of variables?

Thanks a ton!
- DF

HKLM/HKCU etc are set on compile time therefore cannot be set via variables. You need to check the value of that variable and decide which root to use.


That did it. Thanks a lot Afrow UK. :D

- DF

Setting the root by a variable, how did you do this? I have to do multiple commands like this within 5 lines from each other (command, 5 others, command, 5 others, etc) and was wondering what you guys did to decide which root to use? (I was hoping for an elegant solution.)

StrCmp $R0 "HKLM" 0 +2
ReadRegStr $R1 HKLM ...


Darn, was hoping there was a better way. Talk about code bloat. >.<