Archive: Silent install and Custompage / Directory copy, delete

Silent install and Custompage / Directory copy, delete
Hi !

I try to do a silent install but it seems that it doesnt even go in my custompage function. It begins right with the .onInit function, it skips the custompage function and finally it carries on with the Section. What can be wrong?

!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
Page custom CustomPage
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH

Another question:
Is it possible to copy a entire directory with subdirectories using an instruction like copy mytempdir\*.* to myinstalldir\ ? I heard of the Copyfile function but will it works with subdirectories?

Can we delete also a directory directly with all its files? (eg using Delete dir\)

On silent installs no pages are shown - that's why the page code is not executed.


Okay well, i have to change my script a little bit.

Finally, I found the Rmdir function for deleting directories, but I fear there isn't such a function for copying directories, isn't it?

CopyFiles will copy a folder or files.
