FileWrite question
I've been working on an installation that creates an NSH file for another installer. (This allows to get user input at compile time.)
I found an odd problem with FileWrite. (either it's a bug or I'm just being stupid!)
I need to include the actual characters "$\" in the text of the file so that I can get a MessageBox to print multiple lines.
Here's my code I'm currently using:
FileWrite $0 'MessageBox MB_OK "This is one line $$\\r$$\\nAnd this is another line'$\r$\n"
The problem is that I get this as the output:
MessageBox MB_OK "This is one line$\\r$\\nAnd this is another line"
If I use anyting but "$$\\" in my FileWrite command, I get a compiler error that the variable/constanst is undefined.
Is there any way I can get just a single backslash without resorting to using FileWriteByte? (I want to keep things as simple as possible.)