Archive: Progress bar help

Progress bar help
I've created a MUI installation which has a section set to read obtain a file list from a directory and write info about each file to an INI.

The problem is that during this process, there are many loops involved which makes the progress bar look very "jerky" as it's refreshing.

I've tried to supress the progress bar by using the command SetDetailsPrint none, but that doens't seem to supress the bar from trying to constantly refresh.

Is there anything I can do? :cry:

(And BTW, is there any documenation as to the logic of how the progress bar updates itself?)

Put the code that loops inside a function, and then call it in your section.

hmm... I'll try that.

Do I still need to call SetDetailsPrint none?

Nop. Everything inside functions don't update the progress bar nor its status.

This is good info. Thanks, deguix!