Archive: Two problems: delete shortcut folder and string from file

Two problems: delete shortcut folder and string from file
I'm back again with other problems.

With my program I'm installing MySQL from msi package. But then I want to delete MySQL shortcut folder from the start menu.

That's my code

;Installing MySQL
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
SetOverwrite ifnewer
File "..\mysql-essential-4.1.12a-win32.msi"
ExecWait 'msiexec /i "$INSTDIR\mysql-essential-4.1.12a-win32.msi" /qn INSTALLDIR="$INSTDIR\MySQL"'
RmDir /r "$SMPROGRAMS\MySQL\*.*"

And nothing happens. What's wrong here?

The other problem is to find and delete a specified string from a file. SetShellVarContext
Default NSIS context is current, but MySQL probably uses 'all'

looks better for me ;)
Please note - this folder might exist there before your installation started.

For string replace read this

Takhir, thank you for your answer :) Everything works!