Archive: Space Required text on the Directory page

Space Required text on the Directory page
My installer executes an msi installation within it and hence the actual space needed is far greater than the "amount" given in the Space Required Text on the Directory page. I tried to add to it using the SpaceTexts command, but all it does is change the "Space Required" text. :cry:
Please suggest a solution where I can change just the no. of MBs which comes up after the Space Required text on the Directory page

Thanks in Advance,

Use SectionGetSize and SectionSetSize.

Use SectionGetSize to get the current size (will be in kB) take away X amount of kB with IntOp (the size of the in MSI installer before compression) and then set the new size with SectionSetSize.

Edit: Best done in .onInit


AddSize is simpler for known file sizes.

Ah yes of course,

AddSize 500

(500 in kB)


Hi guys thanks...:D
That worked but the only prob now is I'll have to calculate the difference between the existing and the required sizes and put it in using Addsize.:(
But that's ok :). I can live with that as long as the results show
Thanks again,