Archive: Checking if stable version is installed

Checking if stable version is installed
Hi !
I need some help. There are many posts about rebuking to uninstall the previous version of the app first, before installing the next one.
But I want to create update-setup so that before installing the update the installer will check if there is any stable version installed and terminate if no such stable version is found.
Coul you please help mi how to solve this ?

Every application has some part of itself behind that will tell you if it's present and if so what version it is. This is usually a particular registry value or a file value (such as an INI file) or perhaps a certain version of DLL. Occasionally, it involves a more advanced approach. (If you've ever had to figure out the MDAC version on a PC, you'll know what I'm talking about!)

But once you find out that special "thing", then it's just a matter of looking for it and doing something based on the results.

Thanks for your reply Comperio.
You know, that's my own application that I need to create the installer for. So there are many informations stored in the registy describing the version of the software. for example HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\My_application
There we can find info about version, installDir ect.
So perhaps I need to force my installer to read this info and if the returned string does not contain the number of the stable version then the installer will display a proper message. Am I right ? If so, please help me how to perform this.