Archive: suggestion to install sys tray icon

suggestion to install sys tray icon
i'm looking for a way to install a sys icon for an application using nsis. Not just a notification icon (i can use notifyicon plugin for that) but a real active icon in the sys bar on the bottom right with a few options like 'About', 'Exit', 'Activate'...
The application is a liveupdate agent written with nsis that i schedule with standard task scheduler. it would be nice thing to have icon in sys bar to manage some quick actions, i.e. disable/enable schedule, change interval, see doc help if any and so on.
any hints appreciated.

ps. of course i already read existing forum posts but it seems to me not really what i whish to achieve.

this should be done from your application.

You can write a small application in Delphi, C, C++ or whatever for this purpose. Using NSIS for such a task just doesn't work. NSIS is singlethreaded and only executes code in the context of the wizard pages. So you can't have it run forever waiting for arbitrary window messages (that you obviously want to hook). Don't spend time trying to make this trayicon application in NSIS. It's just a waste of time.

If you want to use C++, I have created a class wrapper for the Shell_NotifyIcon function Give me a PM and I will give it to you.