Archive: xcopy .bat installer

xcopy .bat installer
Hi, I am new to using this program and programing in general.

I have created a program which I would like to compile into an exe file, but in one of the directories that will be installed has a batch file which xcopy's files from a different location and places them into the directoy that is being installed.

The hierarchy I have right now, which I am attempting to compile into an exe is as shown:

-etc.. etc..

So my question is how would I go about and create a script to run my batch file at the end of the installation, close and delete itself when the installer has finished?

have a look at ExecShell

Batch files do not need Shell to open. A simple Exec "path\to\file.bat" will work.
Or, if you're calling it from a Section you could use nsExec::ExecToLog.

If your batch file only does an xcopy, you could just use NSIS's CopyFiles instead.
