Archive: Pro Cycling Manager, NSIS, and /NCRC

Pro Cycling Manager, NSIS, and /NCRC

I have been attempting to install a patch for my game, Pro Cycling Manager, released by Cyanide Studios. Unfortunately, when I attempt to download the patch, the download seems to hang at 97% every time, regardless whether I use IE or Firefox.

I was successful in downloading it to another PC on my network, by when I tried to copy it to my primary machine, the copy would not complete and I would be greeted with an error.

I also tried installing directly from my other machine, but once again the installer verification reached 97% and prompted me with NSIS error, suggesting to use /NCRC switch, which did bypass the check, but the install would fail at some point.

I'm not quite sure that this is the right forum to ask for help. While googling for the problem, I learned that NSIS is an installed made by Nullsoft, and others experienced this as well downloading Winamp.

Anyway, what is wrong here? Can anyone help? Obviously, it seems to be an issue with my machine (windows xp sp2), as I was able to download the file to my other PC (windows 2000 server) without a problem. I have turned off my Norton Antivirus and Microsoft's antispyware program, thinking perhaps that one of them may have been causing the problem, but that did not fix the problem.


[Edit --> DJ Egg]
Moved from Winamp Tech to NSIS forum

Try clearing your internet cache.
Also disable download managers.
Also delete any existing download of the corrupt installer.
Use Firefox, Mozilla, Opera, etc. but not IE.

Thanks guys for the quick response.

I've had no luck with the solutions you provided ... I have done as you've suggested, but same thing happens.

Cyanide has an FTP site as well, which I accessed and attempted to download the patch that way using FileZilla FTP client. Unfortunately, the same problem has occured ... at 97%, the transfer stopped and eventually I was disconnected from the FTP site.

Which suggests that this is not a browser-only issue. Something to do with the TCP/Networking components corrupting the file? I disabled the OS firewall, but that hasn't fixed the issue. What's in that NSIS installer to prompt such an action from the OS security?

This is most frustrating. Running out of ideas. I found a copy of the patch via E-mule torrent client ... I'll wait until that's done downloading.


This doesn't seem like an NSIS problem if you can't even download the file within your browser. Seems more like you have some other program corrupting the file or otherwise blocking you. You may wish to run HijackThis! and post the log to a specialized forum. Since HJT's design doesn't let it distinguish from good and bad programs (thus making it effective in finding things that are unknown to other programs), you shouldn't actually clean anything with it unless you know what you're doing (or have been instructed by someone who knows).

I can't say why only this particular file is affected - it may have something to do with a particular byte sequence causing the culprit to activate and mess up the file.

For what it's worth, it's not a general XPSP2 problem, as I have no problems downloading and running the patch (1.2r), despite not even having the game.

Thanks Pidgeot!

I haven't found a solution to the problem I have been experiencing. I suspect something is going on with my machine and I haven't been able to determine what it is exactly that's corrupting the installer. The machine has not been formatted for a long time, so maybe this is a hint ;)

I was able to download the patch with eMule and it worked.
