Archive: Installer debugger, possible?

Installer debugger, possible?
I have asked this question before but it was ignored since it was in a thread that wasn't on subject.

Is there anyone who can make or find an program that can create a fake partition and load an installer inside of it and moniter all file actions it takes and registry actions.

I need a kind of... Debugger for installers to see what exactly its doing on my computer. The previous topic asked if you could extract a source installer file but I'm not asking this. What I'm asking is if theres a sort of exe shell that can launch a program and create a fake mounted drive of an operating system and hook all commands and log them.

I know its possible but, I have never seen any such software so far. Not all installers make log files saying exactly what action they took to install the program or set of programs. I see tons of program packs, freeware packed together that installs just like the seperate installers but in one foul swoop.

This question kinda works with nsis and any installer program. I ask this for multiple reasons, I like want to make a custom codec pack and multiple other things. I do not want to load each installer from a main installer and go through tons of differant screens to install a pack of codecs or other things. So I wanted to install them all at once by installing it finding out the installer installed them all and copy that as well as add in more to it.

I may be off base asking, it may not be possible or insanely easy but... I have not been able to find a way and was hoping someone here could help me out.

Use Virtual PC, VMWare or Bochs along with FileMon.

Many thanks to that hastey reply, I'll check them out. Any other possible techniques or software hints would be greatly appriciated.

Bochs sure is tough to understand... Followed it and it said it couldn't boot from my drive X_X... I'll try tomorrow i guess :(.

Update: Tried Virtual PC by microsoft and oddly it did exactly what I expected. BSOD'ed me and screwed up my network settings... I had to fix my PC for a bit...It BsoD'ed on installation of the VPC 2004 trial. I have a Mirror Raid which probably is the reason why it crashed... Stupid windows and its stupid stupidness :(.

Got any other suggestions for debugging installers besides full OS emulators...? No person has every thought of the concept of making a debugger that just reads that exe's commands that its set to watch through windows and file calls?

Bochs looks useable besides the fact that its a hell of a lot of work to do something so simple...or at least a simple need.

Bochs works but fails to boot even though i followed the config description... Is there possibly any tutorial sites, or an alternate help site besides his main one? I didn't find anything helpful. It seems that program was made for masters, or maybe I'm just slow, lol.