Archive: language problem...

language problem...
hi there...
i'm new to nsis...

i've got a problem with a reboot message which will appear after my installation.

the text is ok... if you choose english at startup the reboot message is in english if german -> german...
but the buttons for "yes" and "no" are only in german ?
is there a chance to set a variable for yes and no ?

my code:

Function .onRebootFailed
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "$(rebootfailed)" /SD IDOK

Section "Reboot"

MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION "$(rebootmessage)" IDNO +2


That's normal, these texts are a part of Windows. It is the same in any other Windows application.

ok thx for this info.
but how can i save the selected vars for the uninstall system ?
is it possible ?
if you choose german... ther uninstall wizard is in german...
if english -> uninstaller = english ?

You should save the user language selection. The Modern UI has a build-in feature for this, see the Readme.