Archive: slow reaction

slow reaction
I have created an installer which containing thousand of files. Then I created a CD of it with an autorun.inf. When I insert that CD, a window of choosing installation directory is displayed. However, I can't click any button of it until several minutes later. I wonder what NSIS doing after inserting the CD. Can I speed the process up?


Since the install has alrady initialized, my guess would be that Windows is trying to cache the directory tree.

Couple questions:
1. Does the test PC have any network drives?
2. What is your default installation directory set to?

There is no network drive but has a USB drive.
The default location is c:\somedirectory

If your installer is very large, and the CD icon is located in your installer exe, Windows may take a very long time to get the icon. This might not be the problem, but it could be.
So, you should include a .ico on your CD as well and use that as the CD icon instead.


Actually, I don't have CD ico in the installer (use the default one). When I insert a CD, a installation directory selection windows is shown with Cancel and Browse buttons. When I click any one button, the light of the CDRom is on and the selection window is no response. After a few minutes (around > 5 minutes), the installer resume active. I wonder what it is doing during a long period of time. Is it related to the large number of files in the installer? Any work around solution to resolve that situation? :confused:

I have to say, I'm a bit puzzled. As far as I know, NSIS is should not doing anything at the directory sceen (at least not until the user clicks install or browse.)

Can you provide any other details about the OS on the test computer, such as version or service packs? And what about the installer? what compression do you use? (If you use files in the install for custom pages or other functions, you may need to use ReserveFile functions.) Have you tried running the install from the hard drive just to see if any delays are present there?

Have you tried the CD on another machine?


In the CD, it has an installer (program.exe) and autorun.inf to auto run the installer.
In the installer (program.exe), it contains over 3 thousand files. No compression is used in it. Just pack 3 thousand files in an exe file.
I have tested it in several WinXP. No matter I click "Cancel", "Browse.." or "Install", it hangs up almost 5 minutes before it can perform certain function.
Below is my sample script.
Name "superprogram"
InstallDir "C:\somedirectory"
OutFile "superprogram.exe"

SetCompress Off
CRCCheck off

;it contains over 3 thousand files
Section "superinstaller"
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\"
File "c:\somefiles"
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\path\"
File "c:\somefiles\a"