Archive: checkbox desing in custom page

checkbox desing in custom page

i use a custom bitmap file for the sections checkbox (green and black).
is there any way i can use a custom bitmap file for custom page checkbox, because if i cant it's ruining all the installer theme.



Yes you can change the checkbox bitmap. The bitmaps are located at $NSISDIR\contrib\graphics\checkbox or similar. Copy the default and make the new checkbox from there. Also check the help files included with nsis to find out how to change the bitmap on the components page.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that the custom checkboxes were only for the componets page.

Satsuki however is asking about a custom page check. I'm not sure if that is possible.

Oops. :rolleyes: I thought it was the components page checks he was talking about. I agree. I don't think it is possible to change the custom page checkboxes

Ok, if anyone asks, I was bored!

I created something that might work. (I stress might here becuase I'm not sure what I've done is 'by the book' or not, so I'm not guaranteeing this will work all the time, or even at all with certain configurations.)

My test box was Win2k in case anyone's curious..

Take a look at the attached example. I borrowed some code from Vytautas' MUI mod and from this forum.

The idea is that a check box control is masked by a bitmap control (since bitmaps don't support the NOTIFY flag). 2 bmps are used, one for check and one for uncheck. (In my lame example, I just used 'Red' and 'green' bitmaps, but I'm sure someone else could be a bit more creative.) When the user clicks the picture, the notify for the checkbox is received which bitmap. The end user just sees the bitmap changing.

If this hairbrain idea works, I can publish it on the Wiki. If not, well, I can at least say I tried! :p

(There are no docs other than what's here. Just extract the contents of the zip to a single folder and compile and you should be OK.)

I've gone to the same conclusion as you but you posted your sample before i tested it myself.
since i have about 30 checkbox and 15 radiobutton in my customs page, i'm going to do a macro for that...
but if anyone as a solution to use the MUI button in custompage, i think it would be more accurate and a lot easyer ^^.

thanks for you answer ^^

D'oh it's works great for checkbox, but not at all for radiobuttons T_T

any idea ?

I'll play some with it the next few days. (I won't have much time until this weekend.)

I'm glad the checkboxes worked, though!

Alas, I have to admit defeat. (and the more I think about it, the more I feel that my lame example is not something that can every really be guaranteed to work.)

I've look at other skinning methods and I have to say that the SkinCrafter plugin ( is your best bet for checkboxes and radio buttons. (Visit the website,, to get a tool for building your own skins.)

If InstallOptions could be changed to include a notify flag for the image field, then I could probably come up with a a good reliable plugin. (You might offer this as a suggestion at NSIS's sourceforge site.)

You might also check out InstallOptionsEx thread to see if that option is available there. (I glanced at the docs for it, but couldn't find anything.)

(deguix, if you're reading this, perhaps you can respond?)

Yep, IOEx has it... :rolleyes:

I must have missed it in the docs (or I have the wrong version). I'll download the latest today and see what I can do.

thanks for all your work on it ^^.


any news ?

Sorry, my other job has had me so busy I've not had a chance to devote much time yet.

I'll see what comes over the next week or so. This is still defintely something I want to tackle.

Does anyone have any sample graphics for a radio button?

here's the buttons i plan to use for radiobutton on my blakc+green installer:
