Archive: Problem: ReadRegStr in Win2K -> REG_EXPAND_SZ

Problem: ReadRegStr in Win2K -> REG_EXPAND_SZ

ReadRegStr can't read any REG_EXPAND_SZ-strings under Windows 2000, can it?

My Problem is:
I want to check, if there is a REG_EXPAND_SZ-entry. If it's not there, i want to set it, but if it is there, i don't want to overwrite it.

My Code is:
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\Classes\$Blabla" ""
ifErrors 0 Cancel
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Classes\$Blabla" "" "$Blabla"

On Windows XP it works. But on Windows 2000 i get an error, even if there is that entry.

Help! ;)

Try Instructor's registry plugin:

Edit: Make sure you use ClearErrors first.


Nice plugin. Everything allright.

Thanks again for your great support.

...ClearErrors was set. Forgot to quote that line...