Archive: Next button

Next button
Hi, I would like to display a "Next" button between 2 sections in my program. Here is my code.

SectionGroup "xxxxx"

Section /o "xxxxxxxxxx"

SetOutPath "xxxxxxxxxx"
CreateDirectory xxxxxxxxxx
File /r xxxxxxxxxx\*.*



Here I would like to have an next butto so that the user needs to click Next before the program continues with the next section.

Section ""

ExecWait "xxxxxxxxxxxxx


This is possible but not easy.

You need two InstFiles pages.
You need to unselect the second Section before showing the first InstFiles page, and unselect the first SectionGroup before showing the second InstFiles page.
Use the SelectSection and UnselectSection macro's in Sections.nsh to select and unselect the Sections.


Hi, I don't get it i tryed to do like you say but i don't get it. Can you please give me an example of a code where you use the SelectSection and UnselectSection macro's. You can find my code below if that can help


Ok, I'll make an example.

Edit: Had a go and it gets very complicated because you also need to remember which sections were originally selected.
You'd be better off sticking with one InstFiles page until support for this is added properly (hard coded into NSIS).


@Tupsan: Why do you want to do this?

I know this is no helpful answer, but maybe the installer can be designed some other way. In fact I think it is a good idea in general to have some steps asking the user what he wants and then some install phase which only stops on errors (which means: no interaction in general).

I can imagine situations where your wish seems essential. But maybe we can find a satisfying solution for this, anyway.

Some other ideas you could play with:

Instead of using a section to install the first part of the files, you do so with another function and a progress bar on a custom page that would start BEFORE you call the instfiles page.

There are a few banner plugins you could use on the Wiki to display a progress bar in a pop-up window Or you could try using the InstallOptionsEx plugin since it has a progress bar function included with it.

Hi Comperio,

A progresbar seems to be a good thing. Is there a syntax to implement a progresbar. Please take a look at my code and tell me if I can implement a progresbar.


You need to use InstallOptionsEx to create a custom page with a progress bar, or use the NXS plugin.
Search the forums for both.
