Archive: Simple question

Simple question
  I have a massive program (19,000+ files) that I am writing an installer for. There are obviously many sub directories and so on. Is there a simple script or function that I can use intead of listing each file individually?

I am trying this, but I got the error,

Error in script "C:\Program Files\NSIS\Examples\ttp\ttp.nsi" on line 126 -- aborting creation process

Section -post

SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"

;Store installation folder
WriteRegStr HKCU"Software\Timber Ticket Pro" "" $INSTDIR

;Create uninstaller
WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe"

>;Create Xampp folder
CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\zertis_xamp"
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\zertis_xamp\"

; !include "

StrCpy $R0 "zertis_xampp" ;Directory copy from
StrCpy $R1 "$INSTDIRzertis_xamp" ;Directory copy into
StrLen $R2 $R1

GetTempFileName $0
FileOpen $R3 $0 w
!insertmacro Locate "$R0" "/L=F" "CallBack"
FileClose $R3

IfErrors 0 +2
MessageBox MB_OK 'error'

Exec '"notepad.exe" "$0"' ;view log


Function CallBack
StrCpy $1 $R8 '' $R2
StrCmp $1 '' +2
StrCpy $1 '\$1'
IfFileExists '$R1\$1\*.*' +2
CreateDirectory '$R1$1'
CopyFiles /SILENT $R9 '$R1$1'

;Your code ...
;$R9 "pathname" (source)
;$R8 "path" (source)
;$R1$1 "path" (destination)
;$R7 "name"

IfFileExists '$R1$1\$R7' 0 +3
FileWrite $R3 "-old:$R9 -new:$R1$1$R7 -success$r$n"
goto +2
FileWrite $R3 "-old:$R9 -new:$R1$1$R7 -failed$r$n"

Push $0

I think you're getting mixed with compile time and run time. You want to include (compress) all files in a single folder recursively on compile?

Just use:
File /r "some_local_dir\*.*"


I O geeze, I thought that a and r had something to do with read and archive. I didn't read it close enough, thanks.

Hello there
I am kind of on the same boat,
The problem is that I am a total newbie to NSIS
I need to get all the files I have in their original dir structure to be copied to Install_Dir\{original structure}

But I am really messed up right now.

Can you help me with that?


Just use:

File /r "local_folder"

Notice no *.* after it.


I knew it had to be very simple, now, is there a way of perform something like that with the delete command? since I don't see /r in the documentation.



Once I get this running I think I'm going to write a NSIS 101 tutorial so begginers like me don't have a hard time looking for simple stuff.
: )

