Archive: Multilanguage File Selection

Multilanguage File Selection

is it possible to do something like that:

LangString FileHelp ${LANG_ENGLISH} "file_english.chm"
LangString FileHelp ${LANG_GERMAN} "file_german.chm"

File "$(FileHelp)"

This doesn´t work. What did i wrong? If not is there any other way to do this?

Best regards


You can't do this because the installer can't know which file will be included in compile-time. Language strings are run-time. You would always need to include both files in this case.

I recommend to use the method below if you have a lot of multilanguage files, which uses command-line instructions to determine which files should be used. If you just have this file, it's recommended just to include it in the installation.

For example:

File "file_english.chm"
File "file_german.chm"
Everytime you include the English language to the installer, the file "file_english.chm" will be installed. If you include both languages, both files will be installed.

There are other alternative ways like downloading files for the language on the web, but it's not recommended. There are still people with no connection to the internet...