Archive: Japanese Language Problem

Japanese Language Problem
So I've got an installer that just has one custom page with menu options on it (to launch an installer with various options). This installer menu needs to work on both English and Japanese systems. I have the Japanese translations sitting in a UTF-8 file. I've browsed around the messageboard and know that I need to change the encoding to Shift-JIS (SJIS). I've done this.

Whenever I display on English WinXP, the text is all garbled (as expected). When I display on Japanese WinXP, the text isn't correct (but it is Japanese) except for the caption text in the title bar (and the title bar text is being pulled from the same language file).

Note 1: I have used the JWPce editor to convert to the Shift-JIS encoding as was recommended by this thread.

Note 2: I have commented this part out, but I was setting the font (with WinAPI call to CreateFont) to something different. When I would do this, the Japanese text would show up correctly on English WinXP (after changing Regional and Language Options from Control Panel) but would still look the same on Japanese WinXP as when the font was not being set.

Why won't my strings show up correctly?

Thanks in advance.

i had the same problem with an older installer of mine. you can have a look at this, which displays properly (and i don't remember how i fixed it).

Well, this just occured to me. The localized strings work on everything but the Install Options fields that I'm using (they work in the title bar caption, messageboxes, etc.). Is there something special that I need to do for IOEx? This is what I'm doing with the strings:

LangString localizedInstallString ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Install"
LangString localizedInstallString ${LANG_JAPANESE} "Japanese text for install"
WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\install_menu.ini" "Field 1" "Text" "$(localziedInstallString)"


New question, similar issue.

How can I force the installer to not resize when it's on a Japanese system then when it's on an English system. I have a picture that's used for the background, and the size gets all screwed up on the Japanese system because of the window resize.

The standard Japanese font is a little larger than the standard English font. The same thing happends when the display DPI setting is changed by the user, therefore you should make sure your images resize properly.

Originally posted by goldy1064
New question, similar issue.

How can I force the installer to not resize when it's on a Japanese system then when it's on an English system. I have a picture that's used for the background, and the size gets all screwed up on the Japanese system because of the window resize.
Had this same problem with a customer goldy. The solution was as Joost suggested to resize the image so it will show properly on a Japanese system. If you need the image to show properly on English and Japanese systems I believe you would need two different images of two different sizes. Kind of a pain but it would work.

Oh, well, I was hoping there was another way. Thanks!

When I don't specify a font name and font size in the Japanese.nlf on WinXP with East Asian Language Support checked it is displayed with the same window and image size as the en-US installer and it used the correct font automatically (e.g. MS Shell Dlg mapped correctly). Any idea why it would be sized correctly when the font name / size is not specified and sized incorrectly when specified?

Japanese window size
Sorry for bringing up this dead topic, but this is really annoying me:
I am trying to create multi language installer.
I decided to use an Unicode version of NSIS to show all eastern languages properly.
But the Window (I am using MUI2) is bigger than normal but only in certain languages.
E.g. in Hrebrew or Arabic (RTL) this is fine, in japanese it is bigger.

Why is this happening and how can I manage it?

I am using Windows 7 with East languages support, but my regional settings is English (USA)

I know u asked long time ago, but i found the solution and here it is the best to write it:

The solution:

Originally posted by zwl
Well, at last I found the secret by myself.

In the File "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Language files\Japanese.nlf"

I changed this:
# Font and size - dash (-) means default
ï¼__ï¼³ Pゴシック

# Font and size - dash (-) means default

Then it works fine as English dialogs.
found here: