Archive: Select a SectionGroup

Select a SectionGroup
Does SelectSection work for sections groups? I'd like to have a bunch of checkboxes in a custom page (each one represents a SectionGroup) so when they are checked/unchecked their SectionGroups are checked/unchecked too. I'm doing all this in the leave function of my custom page, is this the right way of doing it? When I get to the components page, only the first one is selected.

As of version 2.05, setting the selection flag for a section group should affect the contained sections. Maybe there's another problem in the script. Attach it so someone can take a look. This example script works for me:

!include Sections.nsh

Name test
OutFile test.exe

Page components
Page instfiles

XPStyle on

ShowInstDetails show

SectionGroup /e a grp

Section a

Section a

Section a

Section a


Function .onInit
SectionGetFlags ${grp} $0
IntOp $1 ${SF_SELECTED} ~
IntOp $0 $0 & $1
SectionSetFlags ${grp} $0

Thanks for the example!, the problem was in my script.