Archive: possible manifest error?

possible manifest error?
Hello there. I have a question about an NSIS installation I wrote.

I created an autorun program (autorun.exe) that kicks off an NSIS installation file (setup.exe). The autorun program also has a manifest file that goes along with it so that XP buttons will look correct for autorun.exe. Everything works smoothly when autorun.exe and setup.exe run locally.

When I run autorun.exe and setup.exe over the network, I get an error when I run either program (autorun.exe or setup.exe). Here is the error I get:

"This application failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect".

This error occurs when I run either autorun.exe or the NSIS setup.exe on XP boxes only. When I remove the associated manifest file for autorun.exe, autorun.exe works correctly. I still can't get setup.exe to work though - I have no manifest file for setup.exe.

Any ideas?

Have you tried 'XPStyle on' in your script?

That's weird, I have never heard of such a problem with NSIS. I have just tested an installer with a manifest using a network and it worked just fine. Does it happen with every application that includes a manifest? Does it depend on the folder you run it from? Are there any DLLs in the directory you're running from?

Same problem

Inside my setup file I only have ONE file (.mdb)

When i run the setup from the network (the file is on Win98 and I try to run it from WinXp)

I have the following message :

this application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. reinstalling the application may fix the problem

thank you

From searching Google, I found this information:

The user that posted the first topic has your problem.
See the last topic where he posted the solution.


You're right
You're right

By Un-installing KB885250 from your XP machine.

Unbelievable :)

Thank you
