Archive: Updating PATHS and CLASSPATH without a restart

Updating PATHS and CLASSPATH without a restart
Hi everyone,

I've made an application that requires I bundle Java with the installer. To setup the java environment I need to add entries to the PATH and CLASSPATH environment variables.

The trouble is, I'm currently needing to restart my PC in order for these additions to be applied and for java to work. I was wondering, does anyone know if there's a way around this so that a restart isn't required?

Many thanks,



Maybe this will help you:


Thanks Bruno.

It helped but not directly. It seems to be a helper method used to add/remove entries to/from the path variable. That's not particularly my problem, but it has cleared something up; seems that Win XP doesn't need a reboot after additions to the path, whereas Win9x does, so I guess reboots will always be required for 9x.

I might just carry on doing what I am at the moment and suggesting a reboot by default, regardless of the OS. At least then I can gaurantee that the software will run properly after the reboot.

Thanks again

i worte this macro couple weeks ago, but i don't have win9x to test, can you guy test it for me, thank you