Archive: [Help] Running a CMD file

[Help] Running a CMD file
Hi all. I'm trying to run a cmd file, but it seems that my code isnt right. This is what I have:

nsExec::Exec '"$SYSDIR\cmd.exe" /s "${XPIZE_TOOLS}\SETBOOT.cmd"'

Can anyone point me to the right direction please?


nsExec::Exec "${XPIZE_TOOLS}\SETBOOT.cmd"

Working on the new XPize? :)

Thanks, gonna try that. I thought nobody would recognize me :P

I'm active at the MSFN fora (Nanaki), that's why.

Also, if you stick to using "cmd..." try "cmd /c" instead. I'm not quite sure what "/s" does.

Nanaki :) I remember you
Worked fine with the method you pointed out. Now working in the uninstaller :P

Edit: Well, with the /S I wanted to hide the DOS window, but using your code it isnt showing, so perfect :)

nsExec already hides the DOS window, there's no need to pass on extra parameters to cmd.exe.