Archive: Multiple Version Installer - Is It Possible

Multiple Version Installer - Is It Possible
Hi all,

Can anyone tell me if it is possible to do the following

Create an installer that will install an applications core components then , based upon part of a user entered serial no. display 1 of 2 possible licences and install only those extra components that the user is entitled to under the terms of the licence agreement.

I've been asked by my boss to look into this as having this type of multi-installer would save him/the company from having to maintain 2 separate forks of the same application.

I've no problem getting a 'normal' install working, reading serial numbers from the user, or displaying licence files - but the 'conditional' parts of the installer i can see being problematic (licence files are compiled in ...i can they be displayed selectively if the info the selection is based on is only provided at run time?

Any (helpful) suggestions welcome



There is one function in the Wiki you could use to skip pages, but I can't access the wiki right now. You could also use the "Abort" NSIS instruction selectively in the "prefunction" for all pages except for the serial one. This would make the script more difficult to read, though.