31st August 2005 14:11 UTC
Add/Remove Programs freeze after Uninstall
hi every1,
at the end of mu Uninstaller i execute IE using Exec command.
the Add/Remove Programs freezes until i close the IE Window.
I Tried to replace the Exec with ExecShell - still don't work,
any suggestions?
1st September 2005 19:31 UTC
Windows XP's Add/Remove control panel waits for every subprocess of the uninstaller too. As far as I know, you can't execute anything from the uninstaller without hanging the Add/Remove control panel. Maybe executing at.exe to schedule a one time run of an application will help, but at.exe is not available on all earlier versions of Windows.
1st September 2005 23:57 UTC
Create a remote thread in the arp process ;) but that is one ugly hack just to launch a url
26th September 2005 16:13 UTC