Archive: Install Files depending on the Installer Language

Install Files depending on the Installer Language
This may sounds stupid but Im looking for some example codes on how to install language specific files.
I modified the ModernUI Multilanguage Example and that works fine and to finally finish the installer i need to know how to install files depending on the installer language.
To be more specific i need this to install the correct configurations file for my program
My installer comes in English and German.
Thanks in advance :)

Like this:


>!include "logiclib.nsh"

>!define INST_NAME "myMultyLang"

>Name ${INST_NAME}
>OutFile "${INST_NAME}.exe"
>XPStyle on
ShowInstDetails show

>!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES
>!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Spanish" # 1034 or ${LANG_SPANISH}
>!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English" # 1033 or ${LANG_ENGLISH}
>!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "German" # 1031 or ${LANG_GERMAN}

>Function .onInit

>${Select} $LANGUAGE
>${Case} ${LANG_SPANISH}
>DetailPrint "Español"
>${Case} ${LANG_ENGLISH}
>DetailPrint "Inglés"
>${Case} ${LANG_GERMAN}
>DetailPrint "Alemán"
>DetailPrint "WTF?!?"