Archive: why button disappear ?

why button disappear ?
I have this code:

!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "softwareComp.ini" "Field 26" "Type" "button"
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "softwareComp.ini" "Field 26" "Text" "Upgrade"
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "softwareComp.ini" "Field 26" "State" ""

and when Custom Page appear then this button has been shown only for 1 second and then disappear. how to solve this ?

any help appreciated...

Attach a complete example. It's impossible to tell for sure with just those three lines.

example attached

A complete example is an example that compiles and shows the problem. Preferably, it'd be as minimal as possible. Your example is just the specific code that calls those three lines. The problem might be in the INI file or in some setting set in the script that includes those functions.

yeah problem is in ini file sorry I didnt check the other fields which have left and right attributes -1
thx anyway that u wanted to help me