Archive: Multilanguage support

Multilanguage support

I searched the forum , but I can't find easy solution/example. I've done installation script in english , but I also need russian language support - hoe to add it ?
May be there's a way to define local windows settings and run setup using appropriate language ?
now, are you actually asking 3 questions?

topic title (vpatch information generation):
nope, there isn't.
but you could easily create another nsis application, that does such a batch job for you.

russion language support:
is available, read the docs

language is choosen automatically based on local windows settings.
Topic title is some kind of forum bag... ( now I can't even change it ) I started topis about vpatch long time ago ( and I got the answer)... this topic was called "multilanguage support"...
The question was how to make installation with language select at the beginning ( with all the read me , warings in different languages)

Well, Dave doesn't understand it, hope you do :)


>!include "logiclib.nsh"

>!define INST_NAME "myMultyLang"

>Name ${INST_NAME}
>OutFile "${INST_NAME}.exe"
>XPStyle on
ShowInstDetails show

>!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES
>!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Spanish" # 1034 or ${LANG_SPANISH}
>!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English" # 1033 or ${LANG_ENGLISH}
>!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "German" # 1031 or ${LANG_GERMAN}

>Function .onInit

>${Select} $LANGUAGE
>${Case} ${LANG_SPANISH}
>DetailPrint "Español"
>${Case} ${LANG_ENGLISH}
>DetailPrint "Inglés"
>${Case} ${LANG_GERMAN}
>DetailPrint "Alemán"
>DetailPrint "WTF?!?"

Take a look in my moreifo plugin (Wiki search). There is an example for avery flexible multilanguage support. Specifically if you use custom pages.


Well here the Wikipage links even easier...

Or take a look in:

Just try the "CustomLanguageDemo" demo included.

Multi language in an easy extensible way in one of the demos. Will solve a lot of multilanguage language problems.

The "CustomLanguageDemo" Fully shows the power of getting the OS GUI language. I the demo a good example of how custompage localization works and could be implemented.

[q]The "CustomLanguageDemo" Fully shows the power of getting the OS GUI language. I the demo a good example of how custompage localization works and could be implemented.[/q]
I don't if I'm blind or smth , but what shall I see?
I've compiler&launch MyExLangTest.nsi - I wonder it's an example how to add multilanguage support, but it runs in english though I have russian WinXP.

As you can see the DEMO contains two language files, Dutch and English. Just copy the english version "ex_lang_English.nsh" and rename this to "ex_lang_Russian.nsh" and ajust the file with your preferred russian wording for the CUSTOM pages.

Add 1 line

!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE_EXTENDED "Russian"

to the file


Note that it never hurts to read the included comments in the files or read the help documents.
