20th September 2005 00:45 UTC
defining a user-friendly MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TEXT
Why does putting it all on one line compile:
!define MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TEXT "line 1 \n\nline3\nline 5\nline 6\n\nline 8\n\nline 9\n"
but laying it out "neatly" doesn't:
!define MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TEXT "line 1 \n\n" \
"line3\n" \
"line 5\n" \
"line 6\n\n" \
"line 8\n\n" \
"line 9\n"
I know I'm doing something stupid - but can't find anything in documentation to help me fix it.
20th September 2005 10:37 UTC
You need to use code like follows:
!define MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TEXT "line 1 \n\n \
line3\n \
line 5\n \
line 6\n\n \
line 8\n\n \
line 9\n"
20th September 2005 11:01 UTC
Thanks, but
I did try that but lost the leading spaces on the lines I want to be indented. But putting the \n at the start rather than the end of the line works:
!define MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TEXT "line 1 \n \
\n line3 text with leading spaces \
\n line 5 text with leading spaces \