Archive: Message Box Question

Message Box Question
I just have a question concerning the MessageBox command.

This is what I am doing.

MessageBox MB_OKCANCEL|MB_ICONINFORMATION 'Your machine has been updated with the most current Windows Patches. $\r$\n$\r$\n \
For these updates to take effect your computer will need to restart. $\r$\n$\r$\n \
Please click "OK" to reboot your machine, or "CANCEL" to reboot your machine later.' IDOK Restart IDCANCEL Wait


Sleep 360000
Goto Message

What I am talking about is that if the user clicks OK then the machine will reboot. If they click CANCEL the message box will sleep and then come back until they click OK to reboot the machine.

Now I know most users are kindda slow when it comes to computers, but with the messsage box you can simply click on the X in the upper right hand corner and the box will exit. This kindda defeats the purpose that I am trying for.

Is there a way to get rid of the X in the corner so a user can not click it to exit.


No.. because that's window stuff... or less you hook the MessageBox... that would be weird :igor:

Did you try the plugin created by dro: MessageBoxEx...I think :)

Well, the customizable MessageBox by dro probably won't help on this. But anyways, you can try it: