Archive: URL in a message box

URL in a message box

I need to include a link (URL) in a message box.
I need that if I click on this link, this open a new browser with this URL.


I think this is imposibble. But you can use MessageBox with more than 2 buttons, and set "open url"-action for one of them (buttons).


Download plugin see link in forum or in Wiki.
Use code like this:

messagebox::show MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_DEFBUTTON1 "A new release is available" "" \
"Would you like to go to the our site?$\n If you want to visit our site press "Visit" button.$\n \
If you want to download and install last release press "Download" button.$\n \
If you want nothing to do press "Cancel" button." "Visit" "Download" "Cancel"
Pop $0
StrCmp $0 "1" 0 n1 ; pressed Visit
ExecShell "open" ""
goto done
StrCmp $0 "2" 0 n2 ; presses Download
.... download file ....
goto done
StrCmp $0 "3" done ; pressed Cancel

This code call messagebox with 3 buttons - Visit, Download and Cancel. If you press Visit button ExecShell-instruction will be executed - i.e. Visit site.