Archive: Choose if Steam or Won

Choose if Steam or Won

i want to include a choice page in my installer where the user can choose if he wants to install on normal won hl or on steam hl.

i know how to make it an extra section but this would make my installer to big.

is there any possibility?

Create a custom page with InstallOptions:
NSIS\Examples\Modern UI\InstallOptions.nsi

The installer you used to install NSIS has a page similar to the one you want with two radio-buttons to install over a previous installation or uninstall NSIS first.
This INI file is located at:



thats what i already thought but i dunno how i should make this

i cant get it to work,

the custom page doesn´t show up at all

Have you taken a look at the examples? Have you read the documentation? What about some example of non-working code?

yeah i´ve taken a look

i use

Page custom test

and in function test i only let a text appear.

but the text never shows up

You're going to have to supply more information than that, if you want help... At least attach your script.