Archive: ExecWait to Program which requires newly added PATH

ExecWait to Program which requires newly added PATH
Hi Forum,

My NSIS script installs Perl via ExecWait to msiexec silently. The Perl Installation Wizard adds the path to perl to the PATH variable. After installing Perl, I want to install Perl modules via ExecWait to PPM (the perl package manager).

This step fails because the newly started ExecWait thread/program/whatever does not see the path to perl added by the Perl Installer.

If I open a new shell window after the installation is done and start PPM, it works, so the path is then correctly loaded.

Now my Question:
Is there a method for an installation script to add a directory to the PATH value so that later ExecWaits within the same installation script can use it?

If the PATH to perl is set before PPM runs, it all works fine.

Thanks for any hints,

Code Snippet:

; install perl which adds C:\perl\bin\perl.exe to the PATH variable
ExecWait 'msiexec /i "$INSTDIR\ActivePerl-" /qn INSTALLDIR=C:\perl\ PERL_PATH="Yes" /l $INSTDIR\perlinstall.log'
; install IO-stringy module
ExecWait 'c:\perl\bin\ppm.bat install $INSTDIR\perl\IO-stringy.ppd'

You'll find your answer in the following Wiki page:


Your plugin worked, the 1st option didn't work on XP either. I'd suggest that you remove this option from the wiki page in order to avoid having people trying without success.



I have to restate: your plugin does not work as supposed. The processes started by the ExecWaits after the Plugin call do not have the correct path set, so they fail.

Is there a way to verify that the plugin does what it's supposed to?

Could you try that option again? I fixed a bug that a string wasn't being delimited as it should on the System plug-in call. (I just didn't test it :()

deguix: What option are you talking about?

Ah you changed the wiki page. Well it does not work with your changes (the quotes around PATH) either.

On the wiki page, it should be

System::Call 'Kernel32::SetEnvironmentVariableA(t, t) i("PATH", "$R0").r0'

so R0 as well in quotes. Then it works. No need for the plugin at all.

Sorry 'bout that. Forgot to add those to $R0 also...

Ok thanks.