Archive: Changing CD during install causes some problem

Changing CD during install causes some problem
Hi, i have different installers for differents pieces of a software. all of these can't fit on a single CD so i splitted half on 1 CD, half on another one.
now, i made a new isntaller in which i am asked to select what pieces i want to install. this installer will run the previous installers one after one to isntall every selected pieces.

but now i have a problem ... in the middle of installatin, if eneded i'm asking to user to change the CD in cd-rom reader. then it executes the little instalelr for the next piece of software with ExecWait, then when this part of the installation is finished the main installer is telling that the volume in my cd-rom reader changed and asks me to put back the first cd-rom .....

i wish i haven't to put back the first cd-rom .

i copied the main installer on the second cd but it's not working ...

i'm using windows XP SP2 .

do anyone have a solution for this problem ?


Section /o "Piece of software" PIECE
ifFileExists "$EXEDIR\installers\piece setup.exe" exists
MessageBox MB_RETRYCANCEL|MB_ICONINFORMATION "Please install the other disc" IDRETRY test IDCANCEL installed
ExecWait '"$EXEDIR\installers\piece setup.exe" -auto'

See this topic:

You need to copy your main installer onto the hard drive first and run it from there. See my post 8th from the bottom.
