how I change verifying installer ...% ?
I am making a Spanish installer. And I need to translate some texts.
I changed the text "Please wait while setup is loading" in modern.exe, I have set it in dialog 111 and it works, but i can't change the text "verifying installer...%" , which is shown in the dialog and in the taskbar. For this task I am using Resource Hacker. I open the modern.exe with this program and comiple it and save it. But eventhough I changed the text ("verifying installer...%") inside dialog 111, and check that the text has been saved by reopening modern.exe file, when I ceate the installer (180 MB file) and burn it in the CD. The text "verifying installer...%" keeps showing up.
I used Resource Hacker to modify the modern.exe file
I modify the ("verifying installer...%") inside \NSIS\Source\exehead\lang.h
I checked that the changes were saved by closing and reopening these files (modern.exe and lang.h)
Banner Plugin. Begin
I used already the banner plugin. I made it work, but it is not what I am looking for. Because it shows the verifying installer for around 1 minute, (it is the time it takes to read the 180 MB installer.exe from the CD, and this is important it uses a real porcentange progress “verifying installer...%") and then it shows the banner.After the banner it shows the installation procedure.
I have 2 problems with it:
If it shows the verifying installer...%" for around 1 minute, I do not need an extra progress bar or porcentage because I already have shown one.
This banner plugin does not use a real reading porcentage from the CD. It use the progress bar that I set by defining my own progress.
For example:
Function .onInit
MSIBanner::Pos /NOUNLOAD 10 "Reading from CD"
Sleep 1000
MSIBanner::Pos /NOUNLOAD 20 "Reading from CD"
Sleep 1000
MSIBanner::Pos /NOUNLOAD 30 "Reading from CD"
Sleep 1000
MSIBanner::Pos /NOUNLOAD 100 "Finish reading"
Sleep 1000
This is the way I got the banner plugin to work. Showing 2 progress first the verifying....% and then the banner progrss bar (fake progress). I would like to see 1 real progress.
Banner Plugin. End
After compiling my installer (*.nsi) and burn it in CD (*.exe), I can see from the task bar that it does not modify “verifying installer... %”.
Inside this web:
They tell us how to do it:
The 'Verifying installer' and 'Unpacking data' texts are defined in the language header file of the NSIS exehead (Source\exehead\lang.h). To change them, you have to edit this file and recompile NSIS.
I believe that when they say “recompile NSIS”, they mean recompile my *.nsi install file. Is that correct?
That is the only thing I am not sure about.
Well I have not got to modify “verifying installer... %” so I must be missing something.
I have read eherything related to my problem in this forum but I did not find the answer I was looking for.
Can you help me, please?