Archive: nsWeb, communicating with internet explorer

nsWeb, communicating with internet explorer
I'm using a simple questionaire popup in my installer, with the wonderful nsWeb plugin. Don't worry I'm not subjecting people to popup hell! I'd like to pass a resulting value from the questionaire back to my installer when the popup closes and don't know how to do this. Well, one way would be to set a cookie with the popup and retrieve it with the installer, but that seems a little hokey. I'd rather if there was a way for IE to pass a simple value to the installer when I close the IE window.

Anyone have a clue for how to do this or where to start looking?

Much thanks,

Well... seems like that's a good for my TODO list ;)

At the moment, no. With the current build, theres no way... cookie should do the trick...

Yeah, I'll just use a cookie unless I'm feeling adventurous enough to dig into your plugin code (my C is a little rusty).
