8th October 2005 02:38 UTC
Strange Error: unknown variable/constant "{UNSEC0000}" detected
When I compile my script, at the very end it says:
4 warnings:
unknown variable/constant "{UNSEC0000}" detected, ignoring (macro:SelectSection:3)
unknown variable/constant "{UNSEC0000}" detected, ignoring (macro:SelectSection:5)
unknown variable/constant "{UNSEC0000}" detected, ignoring (macro:UnselectSection:3)
unknown variable/constant "{UNSEC0000}" detected, ignoring (macro:UnselectSection:5)
What does this mess mean? It doesn't even provide line numbers for reference.
Neither Google nor a forum search for any of the message returned any help.
8th October 2005 04:09 UTC
Yes it does, it says in macro "UnSelectSection, line 5"
Same thing for line 3.
And I think you're wrapping them in { } marks when they don't need to be. Here's an example one I use (I found it somewhere on a forum post or something..)
!macro SECOFF sec
SectionSetText ${sec} ""
SectionSetFlags ${sec} 0
and you call it with:
!insertmacro SECOFF SECTION01
... or whatever.
Afrow UK
8th October 2005 10:31 UTC
You do need to wrap it in { }:
!insertmacro SECOFF ${SECTION01}
Why? Because ${sec} will be "SECTION01" when you need it to be the value of ${SECTION01}
8th October 2005 18:51 UTC
For some reason, NSIS was not recognizing a section ID declaration for my uninstall section. So I just removed it and made one uninstall section for uninstalling everything.
Afrow UK
9th October 2005 10:15 UTC
I'm guessing you hadn't put that Section above where you were using it in your script and so the constant hadn't been defined yet.