Archive: SectionGroup And RadioButtons

SectionGroup And RadioButtons
I've got a very special problem with building an nsis installer...
This installer should have 2 SectionGroups and One Sections. In one of the SectionGroups I want to toggle 2 Sections. This worked very fine with the RadioButtons/Mutex. It is possible to toggle between the two selections and it's also pssobile to disappear both, when i deselect the selected one.
But the problem is, that i can't deselect both by deselecting the whole SelectionGroup. This also toggles between the two Sections.
So it would be nice if i can deselect both by deselecting the SectionGroup.

Thanks a lot.

I don't know of any way to currently do that with two sections. If you had three sections, you could've checked if all of them were selected. But with two sections, there's no difference if you click on the section group or the unselected section.